Black Bean Burger Prep

These black bean burgers are quickly becoming a staple in my house, and since they can be frozen and cooked in an air fryer they aren’t likely to leave my menu anytime soon! Below is an ingredients list and full step by step photo instructions. Enjoy!

Okay, so first thing you’re going to need is all of your ingredients (of course)

  • 10 15oz cans of black beans (rinsed)

  • 10 eggs

  • 2 bell peppers

  • 5 cups of bread crumbs

  • 1 large onion

  • 10 tsp chili powder

  • salt and pepper to taste

Start by chopping your veggies. (I’ll be using some onions that I chopped and froze earlier.)

Don’t worry, we won’t be using all of these onions. Just a large onion’s worth.

Ta-da! Mixed veggies are always so pretty.

Ah, there it is. I picked this behemoth up at Hobby Lobby from a little pizza prep display.

Rather than hand mashing them, I chose to use my immersion blender again and turned that big bowl of beans into what really will remind you of refried beans, but I promise we’re not making Mexican today!

Okay fine it looks like Mexican, but it’s not! Anyway add your blended veggies into your beans and mix well.

There now, starting to look less like a fiesta already!

Now we’re going to need our eggs and spices. I didn’t give the salt and pepper amounts as that is truly to taste, and since I’m using reduced sodium beans I’l be using a little extra salt.

Put all the eggs and spices together and whisk well.

Okay, It’s time to bring in the breadcrumbs and get the whole gang together

Add the breadcrumbs and egg mixture to the beans and mix it together. It should be able to be formed into balls at this point.

You are going to want a LOT of cookie sheets and parchment paper for this next bit.

Form your beans into balls and press them into burgers just like you would ground beef and arrange them in a single layer on your parchment paper lined cookie sheets.

Continue until you have an absolutely insane number of burgers and you have used up all of the beans. (The last two wouldn't fit on a cookie sheet, but I’m hungry so I’m going to have those for lunch with my wife.)

Whatever you don’t eat right away, go ahead and freeze!

These can be cooked fresh or straight from frozen in an air fryer at 380 degrees for about 12 mins, flipping half way through.



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